October report

I had a good month full of busyness.

I got myself back in the habit of regular writing by working up a backstory for Tink. Dunno if I'll write it up and make it available to others. It's interesting as a story, but not sure it's a very gripping tale. Maybe if I have some spare time. But it served its purpose and got me into writing every day again for next month's plans.

I've been working out how to use Amazon Ads by participating in the 5-day amazon ad challenge. Ads are essential tools for authors, because otherwise how do people find out about your book? Amazon ads are the ones that occur next to searches, and you can target them so that eg only people that are already interested in your genre get ads for your book - which means people get annoyed less by ads for books they aren't likely to be interested in, and this is what I was learning how to do. I've just begun, so there's not many people coming in to look at my stuff yet, but hopefully the word is slowly getting out there :D

I didn't get back to King Tide - or rather, I made a feeble attempt but didn't do much more than that. It's lower on the priority list. I plan to work on King Tide exclusively over December, hopefully to be completed in January when I can start editing it and have it ready to go, hopefully well before the June deadline.

Instead I've been working on figuring out how to get a paperback done - and my wonderful cover artist has been converting the cover she already made me into a paperback-ready thing of beauty. I'm hoping to have that completed and ready to buy well before Christmas, so all of you that have been waiting for a dead-tree-format book to hold in your hot little hands will also be able to get one. Watch this space! :)

My cover artist also produced a lovely banner for The Conjunction that I can now use on FB etc. Speaking of which I've started actually regularly using FB to talk booky things. If these monthly reports aren't enough for you, feel free to follow me on Facebook at Taryn East Writes. This is my non-personal "author personality" account.

NaNoWriMo is coming up and I have hacked together an outline for the prequel novella that I'm planning for this year. I think the outline will be decent enough to carry me through, but I guess we'll see. I have a lot to go on with, though the ending needs some work - but hopefully that'll come to me as I go along :) Feel free to follow me, or my project on my NaNoWriMo profile: taryneast

I still intend to make the resulting novella available to people that subscribe to my newsletter when I'm done (though of course I'll need to edit it into shape first).

I also wrote a short piece called "On magic and mental illness" that I'm planning on tidying up and making available for newsletter-subscribers. It covers a few ideas on the link between magic and mad-science in my world :)

For November:

  1. Basically only NaNoWriMo. That's about all I'll have the brain for this month. Everything else will wait for December :D

Currently reading

I finished reading Midlife Magic Hunter Book 7 of the forty-proof series. as well as White Fragility which was a tough read, so I went slow.

I haven't yet got to The Unbreakable Bladesong Druid, though it's still very much anticipated.

Because instead I've been reading the equally-exciting Armageddon, 6th book in Travis Bagwell's stunning Awaken Online series. This series is well worth a read, even if LitRPG isn't usually your thing (as it's not usually mine).


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