April report

April was an even slower month. I had a lot of external priorities to work through and writing took a back seat, unfortunately, to my IT job, parenting, and coping with basic mental health. So I only wrote around ten pages total for King Tide for the month, most of which was written in the first fortnight.

I did get some dictation and writeup for King Tide, and I have begun plotting out the final quarter of the book. But it's a bit of a rough sketch still. I know where I want the story to end up, but not really sure of the steps to get there, and that tends to hinder my writing, even though I'm definitely a pantser.

As for the first book: The Conjunction. Editing is still on pause pending spoons to pick it up. Thankfully I don't have anyone really waiting on it - nobody is going to get cross at me for not publishing yet, apart from myself.

Meanwhile I'm still reading: Book 6 of A practical guide to evil. Though I'm finally approaching the end. There's one book to go after this, but I might put it on pause to catch up on the half a dozen other series that have had new books come out and I've put off until this one is done.

So the plan is to flesh out the plan for King Tide a little more so that I have an outline of what I'm trying to acheive in the next few chapters, and then I can feel free to follow that or totally throw it out the window - at least it'll get me rolling again :D


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