March Report
Bit of a slow month for me. I made some progress writing King Tide, but it was a bit of a slower slog. I don't have much of an improvement in word-count because I haven't managed to dictate much, it's all still handwritten. So I still have ~75K typed up, and ~26 pages of handwritten first-draft (which would mean maybe another 7800 words).
I've had a month of working hard at my other job instead, plus COVID-based make-up-xmas and kidlet birthday party instead.
As for the first book: The Conjunction. Editing has been on pause as well. I had the first chapter returned by my english-teacher friend who is editing it, but I haven't had the spoons to take that and run yet.
I find it hard to mix up writing with editing tasks - the mind-set for each is very different. My internal critic has to be locked away in order for me to write well. If I let it out to edit, then it'll also pounce all over my ability to write.
Meanwhile I'm still reading: Book 6 of A practical guide to evil. It's very long. :D I'm glad it's still good.
I'm also playing some Kerbal Space Program again, which is lots of fun. I made my first Mun-shot which feels like an accomplishement. We take our dopamine hits where we can get them, I guess :D
My writing generally flows better with better mood, and this is usually my best time for productivity, but I'm Seasonally Affective and it's been raining here now since the beginning of December with few breaks. So that Doesn't Help Much.
Still, I try to at least write *something* every day, even if it's just a paragraph or two. Any progress keeps you in the work, and every step towards the goal shortens the time, even if only bit by bit. Eventually I'll have it done.
Here's hoping to a better month ahead.
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